
Why You Can’t Forget Your Trip to the Grand Canyon

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A large gorge in its size, which goes so far forward that it is impossible to see where it ends. It is here that canyons, waterfalls, deep caves, ravines, slopes and mountain ledges are collected, the sight of which is breathtaking.

With each new trip to this place, you can notice something new, previously not noticed due to the way the sun’s rays fell. The shadows cast by clouds can even change the color of mountain peaks and rocky cliffs.

In addition, the caves of the Grand Canyon tell that its first inhabitants came here in the year 2000 BC. However, more interesting is the fact that ten million years ago the Colorado River flowed through the wide canyon, but then the earth’s crust began to move, thereby preventing the rapid and abundant flow.

Erosion first affected the limestone, due to its soft structure, and later the deeper layers of the rock. The bottom of the Grand Canyon is made up of granite and schist that has not been eroded.

It is impossible to cross the Grand Canyon, since no bridges for transportation have been created in the territory. Thus, those wishing to move to the south side, where the local settlement is located, are forced to overcome the path of 330 kilometers instead of 19 kilometers. However, this place is impossible not to love, because the abundance of scarlet, gold and orange colors makes you freeze. You can endlessly admire the slightly purple crevices, as well as the purity of local reservoirs and the amazing sunsets of the Grand Canyon.

Climatic and natural conditions

The climate here is extremely different if you stand on a plateau or if you are in the bottom of the Grand Canyon. The temperature below, at the bottom of the gorge, where there are a lot of stones heated in the sun, reaches +40 degrees, and at the top it is only +15 degrees. The nature of this area is amazing. At the bottom, typical of a desert plain, plants such as cacti, yuccas and agaves predominate.

However, when climbing on foot, it is easy to find thuja, oaks, willows or aspens, which grow on the middle elevations. Even higher than them are entire strips of pines or junipers. In addition, the area is rich in fauna, including more than a hundred species of birds and about sixty species of mammals. It is worth noting that among them are found the rarest species that are protected by law.

Information for tourists:

• Glass bridge. The Sky Bridge, which floats in the air at a height of 1200 meters, was opened in the spring of 2007 and has become the biggest attraction in the area. It is made of glass, and the shape resembles a horseshoe. Its extreme point is located two dozen meters from the edge of the abyss, which allows courageous travelers to see the beauty of the Grand Canyon in all its beauty and power.

In addition, there are no cables or hanging brackets so as not to spoil the observation deck, and a transparent glass floor allows you to experience the euphoric feeling of flying. Interestingly, this site is three times the height of the Empire State Building, located in New York.

• Observation platforms. In the arrangement of the park there are the two most popular squares in order to look around. One of them is called “Desert View”, and the second is “Canyon Village”.

Desert View

It is here that you can find souvenir shops that offer memorabilia for every taste.