
Holidays on the island of Crete: what does a tourist need to know?

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The divine island of Crete is located in one of the corners of our planet. Which is always happy to welcome curious tourists to its expanses. Everyone will enjoy a trip to Crete, where ancient artifacts have been preserved, telling about the interesting history of the island since the Neolithic period. It is also an ecologically clean place where it will be pleasant to relax, and the locals will give you a warm welcome, tell you about their traditions and culinary achievements.

They are very friendly. If you ask any passerby how to find the way, he will not only tell you the way, but can also guide you to the place you need. The people of Crete are very open and friendly, they are not characterized by cunning and deception.

Besides, they work like bees in a hive. This is a feature of their mentality. Most Cretans get up at sunrise and go to bed in the dead of night. They don’t even have a siesta, so restaurants, taverns, cafes and shops are open for you in the morning. Here, not only the hired staff, but also the owners themselves make a lot of efforts to make you feel comfortable, and nothing would spoil your wonderful vacation.

The Cretans are punctual people, so it’s better not to be late for breakfast, but you shouldn’t come earlier either. It will be served at exactly the appointed time.

If you decide to walk to the nearest coast of Greece and get to know the ancient heritage of the country, then no matter which travel agency of Crete you go to, they will help you choose the best tour and at the best price, they will tell you the whole way so that you don’t get lost. And don’t be surprised if the owner of the company presents you with a bottle of olive oil made by his father, just so the locals show their hospitality.

While your ferry is cutting through the sea waves, you can enjoy a fragrant coffee at a local bar or try a delicious dessert. At the same time, the prices for various dishes are very democratic. And if you come back by the same ferry, you will be greeted as a good friend already.

No less warmth of the Cretan reception can be felt in the taverns, where in addition to the dishes you ordered, you will definitely be presented with something from the local culinary masterpiece, while not charging you a penny. And if you are familiar with the Greek language and will communicate with the locals in it, then you will receive a truly royal welcome. Just like on the ferry, after having dinner at the tavern, you become a close acquaintance, so when they see you again, they will definitely say hello to you and ask how you are.

In Crete, it is customary to say hello everywhere: going to a store or restaurant, and even on a bus or in a museum. And the lovely old ladies resting on the benches will be happy to welcome you.

If you want to show reciprocal cordiality, you can say hello in Greek. For example, “kali mayor” means good morning and good afternoon, and “herete”, “I am sas” (I am su) is both the word “hello” and “goodbye”. Take a phrasebook with you so that you can easily say simple words: yes, no, thank you, please and others. But do not overdo it with the language, otherwise, having heard from you a clear question in Greek, the locals will answer it in the same way.

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