
Trevi Fountain

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Everyone loves Italian dishes – pasta, pizza, they are often tasted. But there are these dishes in your city and different things prepared by real Italian chefs. Therefore, it is worth going to Italy and, in addition to tasting dishes, see the sights of this wonderful country.

The Trevi Fountain is one of the oldest and largest fountains in Rome. Several architects took part in its creation, among which N. Salvi is considered the main designer. The dimensions of the fountain are solid, about 30 meters high and 50 meters wide. The baroque style in which the fountain was created is considered the most original and amazing.

A bit of history

The fountain was built in the 18th century, but its idea dates back to the times of Ancient Rome. The ruler of the Roman Empire dreamed of clean water and dreamed of creating a spring with water that would please with its purity and transparency.

All the aqueducts of Rome were cleaned and a fountain was erected in one of the squares, which quenched the thirst of the inhabitants of the city. But the ruler decided that the new creation lacked originality and pomposity. In those days, chic was an indicator of pomp. So the fountain acquired the main elements of the Baroque style.

Where is the Trevi Fountain

Visiting other famous sights of Rome, you can visit this amazing masterpiece of architecture. Just 20 minutes walk from the Colosseum and the goal will be reached. It is better to walk around Rome, as there are interesting objects of antiquity on every corner. The fountain can be visited around the clock and free of charge.

Photos will be successful in good sunlight. But in the dark, the photos will be interesting. The fountain has a beautiful illumination from all sides, emphasizing its beauty and grandeur.

Fountain Tradition

Wherever the traveler is, he definitely wants to return to the place he likes at least once more. All over the world there is a tradition of throwing coins into fountains, the sea, etc. In Italy, this tradition is preserved at the fountain. Many coins from around the world can be seen through the clear water in the pool at the foot of the fountain.

Every traveler hopes to return to Italy by flipping one coin. But there is another belief. If you throw two coins, you will definitely meet your love, and then with your soul mate you can drink water from two nearby sources of Yin and Yang. The legend says that if lovers try water from the opposite source (a man from a woman, and a woman vice versa), love will be long and strong. This double spring is located to the right of the fountain when facing it.

With this tradition, the number of coins in the fountain is constantly increasing. What do they do with this money? What are they spent on? A decision was made to transfer money from the fountain to the state treasury.

And this is a considerable amount, about 4,000 euros fall into the fountain approximately every day. These funds are entrusted to dispose of a Catholic charitable organization to help poor Italians.