
Alaska Cruises

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Alaska cruises are one of the best ways to see incredible scenery and wildlife on your trip. From glaciers and mountains to whales and bears, there’s a lot to explore in Alaska. The best time for an Alaska cruise is between May and September: that’s when you’ll find warmer temperatures, fewer crowds, and more daylight hours for activities like hiking or biking along trails through the woods or kayaking around small islands with seals resting on them.


Alaska cruises are a vacation to remember

An Alaska cruise is a vacation to remember. You’ll see the most spectacular scenery, and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to explore it on your own.

Denali National Park

An Alaska cruise typically begins with a long journey from Seattle or Vancouver up through British Columbia, then into the Inside Passage along Canada‘s western coast. During this time, you’ll get an idea of what it means to be secluded from civilization: no cars or houses in sight; just mountains rising out of sparkling water as far as your eye can see. Then there’s Ketchikan (known for its totem poles), Juneau (with its shops), Skagway (with its gold rush history), Kodiak Island (home to bears) and Prince William Sound (where whales gather).

Ketchikan known for its totem poles

And don’t forget about glaciers! If we’re talking about glaciers here at all (and we are), then we’re talking about some serious cool stuff — like ice fields bigger than entire cities that move so slowly they look like they’re standing still!

Juneau with its shops

Where to go on an Alaska cruise

There are a number of ports to choose from, but some are more popular than others. If you’re looking for something that’s not as crowded, consider visiting Juneau or Sitka. The Inside Passage is another great place for wildlife viewing and water activities like kayaking and fishing.


The Gulf of Alaska offers opportunities to see whales up close as well as experience rough seas (and the occasional iceberg). The waters off Kodiak Island are also known for their abundant marine life — you may even spot humpback whales here!

Kodiak Island – home to bears

What you’ll see on an Alaska cruise

Your view from the deck will be filled with stunning scenery. You’ll see glaciers, mountains and forests as well as wildlife such as whales, bears and eagles.

a killer whale in cold water of Alaska

Alaska is known for its many fjords: long narrow inlets that extend inland from the coast. The water that flows into these fjords has carved out steep cliffs that rise up to 1,000 feet (305 meters) above sea level on either side of them.

Alaska bear

Best time of year to take an Alaska cruise

If you’re looking to take an Alaska cruise, the best time of year depends on what you want to see. If wildlife is your main focus, summer is the perfect time to go. In July and August, you’ll have the best chance of seeing bears in Katmai National Park and other areas near the coast. Fall is another great option because it’s when most salmon are spawning — meaning lots of bears will be fishing for food! Winter is also an excellent choice if chasing northern lights (aurora borealis) is on your bucket list; these beautiful light displays can only be seen during this season as well as springtime when there aren’t any clouds blocking their path from reaching earth’s surface.

Katmai National Park

How to book your Alaska cruise

When booking your cruise, there are several ways to go about it. You can book online or over the phone, but you may also want to consider booking in person at a travel agency or cruise line office.

The first step is researching which company offers the best deal on what you want — and if that company doesn’t have an office near you, then consider visiting one of its competitors instead. Once you’ve decided on which option works best for your needs, here are some tips for getting started:

  • Read reviews from previous customers before making any commitments; this will help ensure that everyone has had positive experiences with their chosen company in the past!
  • Make sure that all prices quoted include taxes and fees so there are no surprises later down the road when it comes time pay up front (or even worse yet…at check-in).
Inside Passage

What’s the weather like in Alaska?

Summer is the best time to go on a cruise in Alaska. It’s when most of the cruise ships depart, so there are more options for you. The weather is warmest, which makes it easier to enjoy yourself if you like swimming or sunbathing on deck. And since it’s summertime, days are longer — which means more hours for exploring each destination!

Skagway with its gold rush history

Take a cruise to Alaska and explore this incredible state.

A cruise to Alaska is the best way to see this incredible state.

  • Cruises have the most comfortable accommodations. You’ll be able to sleep in a bed, not on a couch or floor, and you’ll have access to all of the amenities of home — and then some!
  • Cruises offer more variety in activities than any other type of travel (e.g., hiking, whale watching).
  • Cruises are convenient because they’re self-contained: all transportation is included; there’s no need for taxis or rental cars; everything you need will be right at your fingertips on board the ship!
  • And cruises are affordable too! They offer competitive rates compared with other types of tours while still giving visitors a luxury experience they’ll never forget
the valley of 10,000 smokes

Alaska cruises are an unforgettable vacation experience. You’ll see amazing sights, explore the state’s rich history and culture, and enjoy some of the best cuisine in the world. If you’re looking to take a cruise in 2019 or 2020, now is a great time to book your tickets!